Council Agenda for 11 August 1997

This is a copy of the agenda as issued by the City Clerk's office -- but this version is not official! Contact the City Clerk's office 415-377-3420 for an official version. This is provided by Fantasia Systems Inc. and Glenn Tenney as a service to the community... we are not responsible for errors of any kind. Please let us know if you find this of use.




Monday, August 11, 1997

5:30 p.m.   NIA Project Closing Celebration - Conference Room C

6:30 p.m.   Community Recognition Awards Program - Council Chambers

7:30 p.m.   Closed Session - Litigation - Daniels vs. City of San Mateo, Pursuant to Code Section 54956.9(a) - Law Library

7:45 p.m.   Agenda Review - Conference Room C

8:00 p.m.   Redevelopment Agency and Regular Session - Council Chambers

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag


Roll Call.

   1.   Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 14, 1997.

   2.   Other Business - The public may present testimony on a matter within the business of this body that is not on this evening's agenda.

   3.   Adjourn as Redevelopment Agency.


   4.   Quarterly Outstanding Achievement Awards
     Presentation of City-wide Quarterly Outstanding Achievement Award to Doris Koo, Finance Department. Accept presentation of Departmental Quarterly Outstanding Achievement Awards to Greg Boyle, Fire Department; Domingo Cruz, Public Works Department; Teja Singh and Roy "Chris" Mierly, Parks and Recreation; and Robert Muehlbauer, Community Development.

5.   City-wide Quarterly Employee Customer Service Awards

   Presentation of City-wide Quarterly Employee Customer Service Award to Vern Bessey, Public Works Department. Accept presentation of Departmental Quarterly Employee Customer Service Awards to Maxine Branzburg, Library; Pat Jocius, Fire Department; Dan Kavarian, Community Development Department; and Hope Whipple, Parks and Recreation.


The matters numbered 6 through 12 below are considered to be routine by the City Council and may be enacted by one motion without discussion. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed and considered separately.

6.   Accept Work - 1996-97 Base Failure Repair and Street Improvements - Phase II

   Concur in recommendation of Director of Public Works and accept work of G. Bortolotto and Company for 1996-97 Base Failure Repair and Street Resurfacing - Phase II, in the final amount of $638,148.82; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Accepting Work and Authorizing the Director of Public Works to File a Notice of Acceptance Base Failure Repair and Street Improvements - Phase II.

7.   Ordinance for Introduction - City Policy Change - Allow Donation of Surplus Computer Equipment to City Schools

   Concur in recommendation of Assistant City Manager and approve donation of surplus computer equipment to local public schools; and introduce:

   (a)   Ordinance No. 1997- ____ Amending Section 3.62.050 to Authorize the Donation of Used Computers to City Schools.

8.   Resolution Supporting Caltrain Downtown Extension

   Concur in recommendation of Deputy Mayor Lempert and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Supporting Caltrain Downtown Extension.

9.   Destruction of Records - Fire Department

   Concur in recommendation of Fire Chief and approve destruction of specified Fire Department records pursuant to California Government Code Sections 34090-34090.7; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Authorizing the Destruction of Records in the Fire Department Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 34090-34090.7.

10.   Agreement - San Mateo County - Animal Control Services

   Concur in recommendation of Police Chief and approve proposed three-year agreement with County of San Mateo for animal control services; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving and Authorizing Execution of the Agreement Between the City of San Mateo and the County of San Mateo for Animal Control Services for a Three-Year Period (July 1, 1997 - June 30, 2000).

11.   Agreement - San Mateo-Foster City Elementary School District - School Crossing Guards

   Concur in recommendation of Police Chief and approve agreement with San Mateo-Foster City School District to provide school crossing guards; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving and Authorizing Execution of the Agreement Between the City of San Mateo and the San Mateo-Foster City School District to Provide School Crossing Guards.

12.   Resolution to Participate in 1997 Spare the Air City Campaign

   Concur in recommendation of Director of Public Works to participate in the 1997 Spare the Air City campaign to promote Bay Area Quality Management District's voluntary Spare the Air program; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Resolving to Participate in the 1997 Spare the Air City Campaign.

   ACTION:   Adopt CONSENT CALENDAR or take other action.


13.   Joint Powers Agreement - San Mateo Pre-Hospital Emergency Services Providers Group

   Communication from Fire Chief recommending Council approve Joint Powers Agreement establishing the San Mateo Pre-Hospital Emergency Services Providers Group.

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving and Authorizing Execution of the Agreement Between the City of San Mateo and Other Joint Powers Entities to Establish the San Mateo Pre-Hospital Emergency Services Providers Group -- for adoption.

   ACTION:   Approve recommendation and adopt resolution; or take other action.

14.   Urgency Ordinance for Adoption - Establishing Expenditure and Contribution Limits for Council Member Elections

   Communication from Deputy Mayor Lempert recommending Council adopt urgency ordinance establishing expenditure and contribution limits for Council Member Elections.

   (a)   Urgency Ordinance No. 1997-____ Amending Chapter 2.05 of the Municipal Code Establishing Expenditure and Contribution Limits for Council Member Elections -- for adoption.

   (b)   Ordinance No. 1997-____ Amending Chapter 2.05 of the Municipal Code Establishing Expenditure and Contribution Limits for Council Member Elections -- for introduction.

   ACTION:   Approve recommendation, adopt urgency ordinance and introduce ordinance; or take other action.

15.   OTHER BUSINESS - The public may present testimony on a matter within the business of this body that is not on this evening's agenda.

16.   ADJOURNMENT: Adjourn to Closed Session on Labor Negotiations, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: Management Association, General Unit, Police Officers Association and Police Sergeants Association; City Negotiator: Jim Nantell - Conference C. This meeting will not be held if regular City Council meeting goes beyond 9:30 p. m.

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