A trip to Mongolia
In late October, 1996, a team of two people went to UlaanBaatar (the capital city of Mongolia) to set up 8 wireless Internet sites as part of an NSF project with Old Colorado City Communications.
I took many pictures during our two week stay. Many of them (hundreds?) were taken on a Ricoh digital camera (thanks to Ricoh for the use of the camera), and others were taken with good old-fashioned film. I'll upload some of the digital pictures here...
This is the view of UlaanBaatar from a hill on the outskirts of the city.
And this is a view of UlaanBaatar from one of the roofs.
Other pictures available online are in the following categories (clicking on a link will select those pictures):
I also picked up a couple of interesting CDs and tapes in Mongolia. Here's some information and a sample from one of the CDs.
I found a very interesting wall hanging at one of the two hotels we stayed
at. I thought people might find it interesting too...
Of course, this wouldn't be complete without a picture of me...Glenn S. Tenney KOTJ... standing in front of a ger (a round, portable nomadic house common in Mongolia).